Wholesale Scottish Flowers

Almost ten years ago a little idea got up inside of me. Seeking British grown flowers I wanted for my own wedding. And so it began. This journey into flower farming. Not always easy. Far less whimsical than most would imagine. All I wanted was to grow flowers to sell – as a farmer, I believed it was possible. Not everyone believed. But perseverance pays off. Now, with wonderful Valerie part of our team we are growing such wonderful flowers. Great flowers! Good enough for the most modest of jars to the grandest of events!

We are so chuffed to let you know that we are launching a wholesale webshop selling Scottish … Angus … Forfar grown flowers. Available to collect or deliver nationwide!  https://wholesale.bloomingbees.co.uk/

Achieved through support from a grant awarded by Angus Council we are so happy to be taking these next steps in making Scottish grown flowers more accessible to florists, trade and floral fiddlers across Scotland and the UK!

We are so proud to be members of Flowers from the Farmhttps://www.flowersfromthefarm.co.uk/ and Flowers Grown in Scotland https://www.flowersgrowninscotland.co.uk/  both doing so much to promote the industry and career flower farmers.

It’s been an evolution. And we are ready to keep rolling with it.